My approach is one of supporting and empowering parents.
Holistic Sleep Coaching addresses sleep from a child and family-centred perspective. It is a multi-dimensional approach that looks at the bigger picture and takes into consideration the underlying factors that can impact on sleep. I support parents to understand how personality, parenting style and a child’s temperament can interact and impact on the parenting task and assess which factors may underpin sleep issues, using a range of reliable and evidence-based questionnaires and scales.
By considering such factors as a child’s developmental needs, nutrition and feeding, health issues, emotional well-being, family dynamics, the sleep environment and sleep biology I provide strategies to address sleep issues which don’t involve “cry it out” methods and sleep training. I offer families holistic, evidence-based support and work in partnership to achieve realistic, gentle sleep solutions.
NB: I have an enhanced DBS Certificate

PhaseChange Parenting
E-mail: phase.changeparenting@ntlworld.com
Tel No: 07973 354266
Facebook Business Page: PhaseChange Parenting https://www.facebook.com/sheilamariefranklin
Our Instagram Page https://www.instagram.com/sheilamfranklin/